Yes, you can delete a pull request.

On GitHub, you can delete a pull request file by clicking on the “Delete Pull Request” button on the “History” tab of the pull request.

Yes, closing a pull request deletes it.

If you delete a file from a pull request, the file is gone forever.

Delete a git push request by using the delete command:git push –delete origin

There are a few ways to delete a commit on GitHub:Use the “git commit –amend” command to edit and then commit your changes.Use the “git push” command to send your changes to GitHub and then use the “git pull” command to retrieve them.Use the “git checkout” command to discard your current changes and then use the “git commit -am ‘deleted commit’.

To remove a file from a git commit, use the git rm command.

You can delete a git branch with the command git branch -d .

To uncommit a file in git, use the git uncommit command. This command will delete the file from your local repository and from any branches or tags associated with it.

After a pull request is approved, the code is merged into the repository and the author is credited.

Deleting a branch on GitHub will delete the branch and all of its commits. If you want to keep a copy of the branch, you can clone it.

If the pull request is closed for a code review or other issue, you can reopen it by clicking the “Open” button on the right-hand side of the pull request and filling out the required information.

There are a few ways to ignore a pull request:Use the ignore flag when you merge the pull request.Set the branch or tag to which the pull request was submitted to be ignored.Add a comment to the pull request saying that you are ignoring it.Delete the pull request from your repository.

To remove all files from a github repository, use the following command: git clean -f

To remove a pull request in GitLab, you can use the following command:git push origin :pull-request-id